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Who is Mike

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If you have landed on this page, no doubt you are curious as to who exactly Mike is.

Mike is a brother. Mike is a son. Mike is a godfather. And Mike is our friend. Mike was born in Newcastle, England in February of 1966 shortly before his family emigrated to Australia.

Having spent his formative years in and around Perth, Mike set off to explore the world with little more than a camera and a backpack.    Early on in his travels he landed in London.

After a series of jobs contracting to earn some money for the next trip, Mike realized he had settled down and made London his base. From London it is fair to say he saw the world.

Be it Oktoberfest, the Running of the Bulls, La Tomatilla, catching the sun rise on a beach in Miami, long holidays to Bali, or taking the train to the Brass Bell outside of Cape Town. However, he was happiest just standing in the drizzle outside a pub in the City of London with his friends ‘because it wasn’t coming down hard enough to dilute his beer.’

Mike succumbed to mental illness just shy of Christmas 2015. Towards the end, as the illness took hold, we struggled to recognize our friend. Trying to find resources, advice and support was difficult in such a short time frame and it is our sincere hope that Mike’s Mates will help you in your search for help.

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