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We all have a Mike

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Charming, funny, goofy, highly intelligent, great to be around…but let’s be honest, slightly annoying, and self-centred. We love him anyway. Then one day, we see he’s struggling a bit. It’s subtle at first. Then it overtakes him. He needs us.

We need to help him but we’re not sure how. What kind of help does he need? Where do we find it? Who can we enlist for support? What does this mean for his job, his finances, his future? We need a path. We need help navigating the options. We need help. Our Mike needed his mates but we couldn’t get the right help in time.

Then it was too late.

We don’t want you to lose your ‘Mike’. As Mikes Mates, 5 London based professionals, we have created a central hub of information on mental health services. So you can find the right support, at the right time. For you, or for your ‘Mike’.

We are all Mike’s Mates.

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who we are
who we are
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A fifth of adults reported they had thought of taking their own life

— Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey, 2016

